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Magnesium Body Butter

Magnesium Body Butter

Whipped Body Butter with added magnesium.

Ingredients: Magnesium Chloride, distilled water, Coconut oil, Shea butter, mango butter, beeswax, essential oil blend including: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Neroli, Sandalwood, Mandarin, Roman Chamomile

This is a heavy body butter meaning it takes longer to absorb, a little goes a long way, or however one would describe a thick butter.

Magnesium can be sticky and at times a little grainy when we've gone overboard on the magnesium and the butters can't handle the amount of magnesium added. We strive to use the maximum amount of Magnesium the lotion/ butter can


Sold by volume in a 4 ounce jar with assorted lids.

  • Care and Instructions

    This is a whipped product and has a lighter feel than Bug Away or our Lotion Bars. Magnesium Chloride is slightly sticky and is a crystal in its original form. Some crystals may not fully dissolve and contribute a grainy feel to the product.

    No preservatives means nothing was added to kill bateria or mold growth. Best if used with clean hands when possible. Lotion should be stable for up to 2 months without preservatives. If bacteria is introduced, nothing in the lotion will stop the growth.

  • Warning

    I took this from another web site and now cannot find it to credit it: "Magnesium can cause itching and stinging, especially the first few times. Only use a small amount untill your body gets used to it. Use caution. Do not apply to freshly shaven skin, open wounds, or broken skin."  

  • Why Magnesium?

    Not our information. Deep Well Farm makes no medical claims.

    Excerpts mostly from a Natural Calm article found at:

    Other information sources are noted.

    Magnesium can help with nerves, muscles, heart, hormones, bones, teeth, and more. It provides relief from stress, improves sleep, reduces pain and has innumerable benefits. That’s because magnesium is an essential mineral for health.
    Athletes and anyone with chronic body pain, or Restless Leg Syndrome tend to love transdermal magnesium. If you have cramps (PMS-related or otherwise), you’ll appreciate the muscle-relaxing effects.
    Children can use transdermals, just as they can take Natural Calm magnesium orally. Kids of all ages need magnesium and they often don’t get enough through diet.


    What's the deal with this Magnesium Body Butter?
    Transdermal magnesium application should be the ultimate way to replenish cellular magnesium levels since every cell in the body bathes in it. It passes directly into the tissues via the skin, where it should quickly be transported to cells throughout the body.~National Institute of Health / US National Library of Medicine

    Magnesium lotions offer a variety of uses: Before/after exercising—supports normal bone and muscle health. To aid sleep—specially formulated lotions can slow sensory activity and quieten the mind. For healthier-looking skin—daily use will moisturise and hydrate skin to give it a healthy glow. ~Health Hub

    More from Natural Calm: Some people find relief from skin conditions, like eczema and acne when they use transdermal magnesium. Magnesium chloride is antibacterial, and users find it reduces body odour and helps speed the healing of wounds. Magnesium applied topically may prevent or reverse skin damage from ageing and sun exposure. 

    Magnesium deficiency can manifest as a number of symptoms because magnesium is such a wide-ranging, multi-tasking mineral. These include:

    • Headaches and migraines
    • Stress, nervousness, panic attacks and anxiety
    • Insomnia and poor quality sleep
    • Restless legs, muscle spasms, cramps and twitching
    • Depression and irritability
    • Fatigue, low energy
    • Chronic neck and back pain, stiff, sore muscles
    • Sugar cravings and weight gain
    • Abnormal heart rhythm and palpitations
    • PMS and hormonal imbalances
    • Constipation, indigestion, and acid reflux
    • Teeth grinding


    In addition to everyday symptoms, there are a number of conditions with strong links to low magnesium. These include:

    • ADD/ADHD
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Arthritis
    • Asthma
    • Autism
    • Blood clots
    • Bowel disease
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Cystitis
    • Diabetes
    • Hearing loss
    • Hypertension and heart disease
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Kidney disease and kidney stones
    • Low bone density and osteoporosis

    Research shows that supplementation with an effective, absorbable magnesium can help.


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